
Square pattern QR code
Round pattern QR code
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Diamond pattern QR code
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在美国和世界各地受到超过 850,000 个品牌 的信赖
为 2023 年及以后打造的二维码生成器
二维码连接物理世界和数字世界——但它们能做的事情还有很多。 QR TIGER 提供数量最多的高级 QR 码解决方案、功能、跟踪技术和集成。 2018年推出,带你一路走向未来。


Do you want to take your campaigns to the next level with QR technology? 阅读我们的博客
ISO 27001


QR TIGER 是最安全的二维码生成器。曾经。我们确保您的 QR 码数据仅通过 最高级别的安全和隐私 受到保护
Gdpr compliant


我们被 ProductHunt 和 G2 公认为最先进的 QR 码生成器,我们的功能和全面的定制工具带有徽标。
最先进的安全工具,如 2FA - 内部审计
由人类和人工智能全天候 24/7 监控
每秒创建多达 1,000 个新品牌链接
18K+ 开发人员已经在使用我们的 API
99.9% 保证服务正常运行时间
在亚马逊 AWS 上托管在多个国家
每年跟踪 600 亿次点击(并且还在增加)


QR TIGER 的自定义二维码咬人!我们的研究表明,他们的扫描次数增加了 40%!
*vs standard black-and-white QRs
  • Customization
  • Analytics
  • Dynamic
  • QR codes
Fully customizable让您的二维码焕然一新,让它们脱颖而出!上传您的徽标或任何图像以获得更多扫描。
随着时间的推移扫描qr code generator
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QR TIGER 是唯一一款带有直观仪表板的二维码生成器,其中包含您需要的所有工具。
管理您的二维码设置警报、保留监视列表并监控您的前 10 个二维码活动。重命名您的二维码并将它们分类到文件夹中。
QR code management
Trackable data
智能跟踪和重定向将您的广告系列与 Google 标签管理器和 Facebook 像素 ID 集成。通过 Hubspot、Zapier 等与任何软件连接。
Integration and retargeting tool


媒体对我们的 QR 创建者平台的评价
ForbesQR TIGER 是一个优势 QR 码生成器,允许您自定义 QR 码并跟踪有价值的客户数据。您可以为 URL、文件、电子名片和多 URL 创建动态二维码。福布斯
Yahoo finance随着数字气候的不断发展,很明显,这需要那些希望保持领先地位的人的主动性和努力工作。有一件事是肯定的:无论空间如何变化,QR TIGER 肯定会在那里,引领冲锋。雅虎财经
Gulf newsQR TIGER 旨在满足现代营销人员和企业不断变化的需求,使其成为当今市场上最好的二维码生成器海湾新闻
G2 review high performer awardG2 review small business award
4.7 星G2上
qr reviews
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qr reviews
5星在 SourceForce 上
Trustpilot4.5 星在 Trustpilot 上


使用我们的免费 QR 码生成器,没有有效期,唯一的限制是您的想象力
URL QR code


将我们的在线 QR 生成器与 CRM 平台和其他工具连接起来,以实现平稳运行
扎皮尔在您的工作流程中集成 URL、vCard 或静态二维码,在我们的高级和高级计划中提供。
画布在 Canva 上下载 QR TIGER 应用程序,轻松将动态二维码集成到您的设计中。无需手动上传和插入您的代码。
Google Analytics
谷歌分析 - GA4将您的广告系列与 GA4 相关联,并跟踪从综合浏览到转化的扫描。测试和测量以提高广告系列的投资回报率。
Google Tag Manager
谷歌标签管理器将您的 QR TIGER 仪表板与您的 GTM 帐户连接起来,并为与您的二维码互动的用户设置自动出价或重新定位活动。



“QR” 代表“快速响应代码”,是 Denso Wave 于 1994 年发明的一种二维条码类型。如今,QR 码被广泛用于为产品或传单提供数字维度,从而指向 URL。

Why do I need a QR code?

They give a digital dimension to any product, visual material, or experience. They connect online and offline worlds, giving businesses and individuals a fast, safe, and low-cost solution. Recent QR code statistics also reveal that more users will be opting for this technology in years to come.

Are QR codes free?

Yes, QR codes are totally free. You can use our static QR to create customized QRs for free with no QR code scan limit, or you can use our freemium plan to generate free dynamic QRs.

Do QR codes expire?

Our static QR codes do not expire. They can last a lifetime as long as the data is active and accessible.

Our dynamic QR code may expire as it depends on your subscription. They also have a QR code expiry feature, which means users can control accessibility based on a specific period, number of scans, and IP address.

How do I create a QR code online?

Using a free QR code platform online, it’s simple and doesn’t cost a penny. Simply go to QR TIGER, choose your QR solution, add the data, and generate QR. Once ready, style your QR, download, and share.


Let’s define static vs dynamic QR code to understand how they differ from each other.

Static QRs are created using a free QR code maker. They look plain and are more dense. They cannot be modified once downloaded and/or printed, and do not come with features such as tracking and protection.

Dynamic QRs, on the other hand, are editable QR code, offering greater versatility. They are fully customizable, allowing you to change the destination link even after printing.

Dynamic QRs are more applicable in more use cases—especially in marketing—as they come with QR code tracking. With them, you can track the number of scans, the time and location of scans, and the device types used for scanning.

How do I edit a QR code using a QR code creator?

To edit a QR code, first make sure that you’ve created a dynamic QR. To redirect QR code, go to your Dashboard, select the Category and Campaign, click Edit, enter the new destination link, and hit save.

How do I add a logo to my QR design?

After generating your code on our QR code platform, click the Logo and upload your image. Once done, click the image to attach the image to your design to create a QR code with a logo.

Can I edit the QR code design?

You can edit your existing QR design using our QR code creator. Advanced and Premium users can enjoy our newly-added advanced feature: Edit QR code design

Users can modify or adjust their QR designs even after generating them. We strongly recommend conducting test scans after editing to ensure the successful scanning of your QR.

Can I change the logo of my QR?

QR TIGER lets you change or replace the logo of your existing QR design. Go to your dashboard, find your QR, and click Edit QR design.



Is there a free dynamic QR code maker online?

Yes. You can use QR TIGER to generate free dynamic QR codes. They offer a free plan with no expiry and a wide range of free QR code solutions you can explore.

What solutions can I use using a free QR code creator?

Our free QR code creator offers a wide range of free QR code solutions, including URL, Google Form, Wi-Fi, social media, email, text, SMS, event, and location QR code.


在免费试用期间,您的动态 QR 码被限制为 500 次扫描,但如果您有有效订阅,您的动态 QR 码将有无限次扫描。






There can be several reasons why a 二维码无效 correctly. First, check your destination link. Minor typos in the URL can break your QR. Also, make sure that the size is big enough and is located in a well-lit environment.

To make sure your QR codes work, apply the QR code best practices to avoid common QR mistakes.






您可以在二维码中添加Logo。但是,logo应该是方形格式,否则它会被拉伸变形。建议上传 500KB 到 1 MB 左右的大小的logo,logo图片格式为JPEG 或PNG。

我可以为 PDF、JPEG、PNG、Word、Excel 制作文件二维码吗?

您可以制作文件二维码,如 PDF 二维码 , word二维码 , Excel 二维码视频二维码,您也可以制作 Jpeg图片二维码PNG图片二维码 或其他格式的图片二维码。

Can I make a LinkedIn QR code online?

Yes, you can absolutely create your own LinkedIn QR code using our URL or Link Page solutions.

What is an App Store QR code?

An App Stores QR is a dynamic QR solution that can store any mobile app links from Google Play Store, App Store, and AppGallery.

Can I create a QR code for a mobile app?

Yes, you can make a QR for mobile apps using our App Store QR code. This dynamic QR solution can boost app downloads as people only need to scan to download apps.

Can I create a QR code for a Google Form using a QR code creator for free?

Yes, you can create a Google Form QR code by selecting “Google Form” from the top panel of our homepage. Simply place the URL of your form in the field and generate the code.


You can create a QR for your restaurant menu in two ways. You can use our file QR to convert a menu in PDF to QR code, or you can have it in JPEG or PNG format.

For an interactive menu, use MENU TIGER to create a menu QR code that integrates mobile ordering and payment.


是的,您可以在一个二维码中存储多个链接。 多网址二维码 使您能够根据扫描时间、扫描中使用的设备中同步的语言、扫描仪的位置以及扫描总数来嵌入和重定向到多个链接。


所有 iOS 11 及更高版本的 iPhone 都可以使用照片模式下的相机功能识别 QR 码。这对所有新的 Android 设备都是一样的。否则,您可以使用没有广告的 QR TIGER QR TIGER free QR scanner app


SVG 文件是一种矢量类型文件,可用于 Illustrator 或 InDesign 等程序。对于 Photoshop,您需要导入 SVG 文件。 SVG 文件非常适合以最高质量打印。 PNG 是一种在线使用的格式,但也可以打印,尽管 PNG 的质量不如 SVG。


You can use our Bulk QR code generator tool tool to create QR codes in bulk. Simply upload a CSV file containing all the links, then input how many codes you want to generate. This allows you to download unique QRs with tracking features. A bulk QR is useful if you need unique QRs linked to different URLs.

什么是 Vcard 二维码?

A vCard QR code is a type of dynamic QR that stores your contact information digitally. It is often called a digital business card. vCard QRs can be used within a physical business card, in an email signature, or as a sticker at the back of one’s phone. You can share a vCard to your email and edit its data using a dynamic QR. All our vCards are dynamic QRs that offer the most benefits.

What is a QR code landing page?

A QR code landing page is a dynamic solution that lets users build their own web pages without buying a domain name or using a web hosting platform. You can customize your page or use our pre-designed templates available

Can I convert a file to QR code?

Using our file QR solution, you can convert any file to QR code in just seconds. Simply click the File icon and upload your file. Our solution supports PDF, JPEG, PNG, MP4, Excel, and Word.


是的,您可以制作一个 MP3 二维码 。先将MP3音频文件上传至音频网站, 如Sound Cloud,再通过QRTiger将这个音频链接生成一个二维码。

Wi-Fi 二维码可以是动态二维码吗?

不,无线二维码 只能是静态的,因为用户扫描时没有互联网连接。对于动态二维码,用户需要连接到互联网。

如何为我的 Facebook 创建二维码?

要创建 QR 码以重定向到您的 Facebook 页面、帖子和“Like Page”按钮,您可以使用我们的 脸书二维码 解决方案。此 QR 码解决方案经过优化,可轻松将您的受众重定向到各种 Facebook 链接。 Facebook QR 码解决方案可让您提升您的业务页面、活动和帖子,并提升您的个人帐户。


显示 桌子上的二维码 是允许您的客户通过手机访问您的餐厅菜单的一种方式。扫描后,二维码会将您的用餐者重定向到在线交互式菜单,他们可以在其中轻松订购和付款。

Is there an offline QR code maker?

There is an offline QR generator on the Chrome Web Store. However, users say that their generated QRs did not work. QR TIGER is a QR code maker that offers QR code solutions that can work even without an internet connection.


使用 餐厅的数字菜单应用程序 可以让餐厅有效地管理他们的菜单并随时更新。此外,顾客可以在智能手机上查看菜单、选择食物并通过数字菜单应用程序下订单。它还有一个集成的移动支付渠道,如 PayPal、Stripe、Google Pay 和 Apple Pay,可以快速简便地解决客户的付款问题。


您可以使用 QR TIGER 扫描仪应用程序、手机的内置扫描仪或其他平台扫描 密码保护二维码。但请记住,只有知道加密密码才能访问嵌入的信息。


用户可以在 QR TIGER 轻松创建免费动态二维码。您可以随时访问 QR TIGER 的免费增值版,您可以在其中生成 3 个免费的动态 QR 码,扫描限制为 500 次。



在哪里可以找到我的 API 密钥?

Log in to your QR TIGER account and click "我的账户" at the top right-hand corner of the screen. Select "设置" from the drop-down menu.

您将被路由到您的帐户设置页面,您将找到您的 API 密钥。


我们每个计划都有指定数量的动态二维码和无限数量的静态二维码。请注意,您在续订订阅时不会获得一组新的动态 QR 码,您需要付费以保持现有动态 QR 码有效。


Click on the upper right corner of this page. On “My Account” go to billing and enter the required information such as your name, address, VAT number, and other relevant details.


不,任何付费 QR TIGER 计划下生成的动态二维码都没有扫描限制。有效订阅后,动态二维码可无限次扫描。如果您的计划到期,它们将停止工作。


You can renew your plan within two days of its expiration. Simply log in, go to “Pricing” in the top menu, or enable auto-renew in the “Billing” section of your account settings.