Generator kode QR paling maju kanthi Logo online

Ngatur kode QR sampeyan
Sampeyan bisa ngatur cithakan kasebut mengko supaya cocog karo merek sampeyan
Square pattern QR code
Round pattern QR code
Star pattern QR code
Rectangle pattern QR code
Oval pattern QR code
Horizontal pattern QR code
Vertical pattern QR code
Clover pattern QR code
Circle pattern QR code
Diamond pattern QR code
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Dipercaya luwih saka 850.000 merek ing AS lan ing saindenging jagad
QR Code Generator dibangun kanggo 2023 lan ngluwihi
Kode QR nyambungake jagad fisik lan digital — nanging isih akeh sing bisa ditindakake. QR TIGER nyedhiyakake paling akeh solusi kode QR, fitur, teknologi pelacakan, lan integrasi. Diluncurake ing 2018, nggawa sampeyan menyang masa depan.

kode QR dinamis

Pindai kode QR ing ngisor iki kanggo ndeleng cara kerjane ing jagad nyata
Do you want to take your campaigns to the next level with QR technology? Maca blog kita
ISO 27001

Pindai sampeyan aman karo kita

QR TIGER minangka generator kode QR sing paling aman. tau. Kita priksa manawa data kode QR sampeyan mung direksa nganggo tingkat paling dhuwur saka keamanan lan privasi
Gdpr compliant

Kode QR saka mangsa ngarep

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Infrastruktur sing disiapake kanggo tuwuh karo sampeyan

Generator kode QR khusus sing paling apik

Kode QR khusus QR TIGER cokotan! Pasinaon kita nuduhake manawa dheweke entuk scan nganti 40% luwih akeh!
*vs standard black-and-white QRs
  • Customization
    Kustomisasi Lengkap
  • Analytics
    Scan Analytics
  • Dynamic
    kode QR dinamis
  • QR codes
    Kode QR sing sah seumur hidup
Fully customizableNggawe kode QR sampeyan lan nggawe wong katon metu! Unggah logo utawa gambar apa wae kanggo entuk pindai liyane.
Gawe kode QR dinamis sing nggumunkeKanthi Generator Kode QR Dinamis, sampeyan bisa nglacak data pindai ing ngisor iki: jumlah pindai, wektu lan lokasi pindai, lan piranti sing digunakake.
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Analisis kode QR generasi sabanjure

QR TIGER minangka siji-sijine generator kode QR kanthi dashboard intuisi sing ngemas kabeh alat sing dibutuhake.
Atur kode QR sampeyanSetel tandha, simpen dhaptar pangawasan, lan pantau 10 kampanye kode QR paling dhuwur. Ganti jeneng QR lan urutake menyang folder.
QR code management
Sinau saka scan sampeyanLacak kanthi gampang kaping pindai, lokasi, piranti pangguna, lan jumlah total pindai ing wektu tartamtu. Ngoptimalake kampanye sampeyan ing perjalanan.
Trackable data
Pelacakan cerdas lan retargetingGabungke kampanye sampeyan karo Google tag Manager lan ID piksel Facebook. Sambungake karo piranti lunak apa wae liwat Hubspot, Zapier, lan liya-liyane.
Integration and retargeting tool

QR TIGER ing warta

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ForbesQR TIGER minangka kauntungan QR Code generator sing ngidini sampeyan ngatur kode QR lan nglacak data pelanggan sing penting. Sampeyan bisa nggawe kode QR dinamis kanggo URL, file, vCard, lan Multi-URL.Forbes
Yahoo financeAmarga iklim digital terus berkembang, jelas manawa mbutuhake inisiatif lan kerja keras kanggo wong sing pengin tetep ing ndhuwur. Siji bab iku mesthi: Nanging owah-owahan spasi, iku tartamtu sing QR TIGER bakal ana, anjog daya.Yahoo Finance
Gulf newsQR TIGER dirancang kanggo nyukupi kabutuhan pemasar lan bisnis modern, dadi generator kode QR paling apik ing pasar saiki.Warta Teluk
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Solusi kode QR sing komprehensif

Nggunakake generator kode QR gratis tanpa kadaluwarsa, watesan mung imajinasi sampeyan
Kode QR URLKanggo pranala situs web lan kaca kebangkrutan.
URL QR code

Integrasi kode QR

Sambungake generator QR online kita karo platform CRM lan alat liyane kanggo operasi lancar
ZapierIntegrasi URL, vCard utawa kode QR statis ing alur kerja sampeyan, Kasedhiya ing rencana Lanjut lan Premium.
HubspotKirim kode QR menyang kontak sampeyan kanthi skala. Nggunakake generator kode QR, sampeyan bisa ngatur kode QR nganggo merek lan/utawa tema.
CanvaDownload aplikasi QR TIGER ing Canva lan gampang nggabungake kode QR dinamis menyang desain sampeyan. Ora perlu ngunggah lan nglebokake kode kanthi manual.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics - GA4Sambungake kampanye sampeyan karo GA4 lan lacak pindaian saka pageview menyang konversi. Tes lan ukur kanggo nambah ROI kampanye sampeyan.
Google Tag Manager
Google Tag ManagerSambungake dashboard QR TIGER sampeyan karo akun GTM lan atur penawaran otomatis utawa kampanye retargeting menyang pangguna sing wis melu kode QR sampeyan.
Senin.comLangsung ngowahi pranala menyang kode QR ing dina Senin.
Explore akeh kamulyan saka
kode QR khusus kanggo bisnis sampeyan

Pitakonan Paling Sering

Kode QR
Apa kode QR lan ngapa aku mbutuhake siji?

A “QR” stands for 'Quick Response Code' lan minangka jinis barcode 2 dimensi sing diciptakake dening Denso Wave ing taun 1994. Saiki kode QR digunakake akeh kanggo menehi dimensi digital menyang produk utawa flyer sing ngarah menyang URL.

Why do I need a QR code?

They give a digital dimension to any product, visual material, or experience. They connect online and offline worlds, giving businesses and individuals a fast, safe, and low-cost solution. Recent QR code statistics also reveal that more users will be opting for this technology in years to come.

Are QR codes free?

Yes, QR codes are totally free. You can use our static QR to create customized QRs for free with no QR code scan limit, or you can use our freemium plan to generate free dynamic QRs.

Do QR codes expire?

Our static QR codes do not expire. They can last a lifetime as long as the data is active and accessible.

Our dynamic QR code may expire as it depends on your subscription. They also have a QR code expiry feature, which means users can control accessibility based on a specific period, number of scans, and IP address.

How do I create a QR code online?

Using a free QR code platform online, it’s simple and doesn’t cost a penny. Simply go to QR TIGER, choose your QR solution, add the data, and generate QR. Once ready, style your QR, download, and share.

Apa bedane antarane kode QR statis lan dinamis?

Let’s define static vs dynamic QR code to understand how they differ from each other.

Static QRs are created using a free QR code maker. They look plain and are more dense. They cannot be modified once downloaded and/or printed, and do not come with features such as tracking and protection.

Dynamic QRs, on the other hand, are editable QR code, offering greater versatility. They are fully customizable, allowing you to change the destination link even after printing.

Dynamic QRs are more applicable in more use cases—especially in marketing—as they come with QR code tracking. With them, you can track the number of scans, the time and location of scans, and the device types used for scanning.

How do I edit a QR code using a QR code creator?

To edit a QR code, first make sure that you’ve created a dynamic QR. To redirect QR code, go to your Dashboard, select the Category and Campaign, click Edit, enter the new destination link, and hit save.

How do I add a logo to my QR design?

After generating your code on our QR code platform, click the Logo and upload your image. Once done, click the image to attach the image to your design to create a QR code with a logo.

Can I edit the QR code design?

You can edit your existing QR design using our QR code creator. Advanced and Premium users can enjoy our newly-added advanced feature: Edit QR code design

Users can modify or adjust their QR designs even after generating them. We strongly recommend conducting test scans after editing to ensure the successful scanning of your QR.

Can I change the logo of my QR?

QR TIGER lets you change or replace the logo of your existing QR design. Go to your dashboard, find your QR, and click Edit QR design.

Apa aku bisa ngalih saka kode QR statis menyang dinamis?

Ora, yen sampeyan milih lan nggawe QR statis, kita ora bisa ngganti menyang kode QR Dinamis. Kode QR statis lan dinamis yaiku rong jinis kode QR sing beda.

Is there a free dynamic QR code maker online?

Yes. You can use QR TIGER to generate free dynamic QR codes. They offer a free plan with no expiry and a wide range of free QR code solutions you can explore.

What solutions can I use using a free QR code creator?

Our free QR code creator offers a wide range of free QR code solutions, including URL, Google Form, Wi-Fi, social media, email, text, SMS, event, and location QR code.

Pirang kali QT dinamis duweku entuk dipindai?

Ing uji coba gratis, Kode QR dinamis sampeyan diwatesi nganti 500 pindai, nanging yen sampeyan duwe langganan aktif, kode QR dinamis sampeyan bakal duwe pindai tanpa watesan.

Apa Awak dhewe isa mbusak kode QR dinamis?

Ya, yen sampeyan nggunakake kurang saka 8 scan sampeyan isih bisa mbusak ing kaca data trek.

Werna apa sing kudu dak gunakake ing kode QR?

Werna cahya, kayata werna kuning lan pastel ora apik kanggo mindhai. Dadi, luwih becik nggunakake warna sing luwih peteng ing latar mburi putih utawa cahya.

Kode QR dhuweku ora bisa digunakake, apa sing bisa awaku lakoni?

There can be several reasons why a Kode QR ora bisa digunakake correctly. First, check your destination link. Minor typos in the URL can break your QR. Also, make sure that the size is big enough and is located in a well-lit environment.

To make sure your QR codes work, apply the QR code best practices to avoid common QR mistakes.

Apa bisa nyimpen kode QR minangka cithakan lan bisa mbusak cithakan?

Ya, sampeyan bisa nggawe cithakan, iki ngirit wektu sabanjure sampeyan nggawe kode QR lan sampeyan bisa kanthi gampang mbusak template sampeyan. Cukup kisaran ing cithakan lan salib bakal katon kanggo mbusak cithakan kasebut.

Pirang kode QR statis gratis sing bisa awak dhewe gawe?

Sampeyan bisa nggawe akeh kode QR statis sing dikarepake; kode QR Panjenengan ora bakal kadaluwarsa lan bakal sah kanggo saumur urip.

Apa format paling apik kanggo logo kode QR?

Sampeyan bisa nambah logo menyang kode QR; Nanging sing penting logo sampeyan ana ing format persegi, yen ora, bisa uga katon dowo. Sampeyan uga penting kanggo dicathet manawa sampeyan ngunggah logo ing format JPEG utawa PNG. Disaranake duwe logo watara 500KB nganti 1 MB.

Apa aku bisa nggawe Berkas Kode QR kanggo PDF, JPEG, PNG, Word, Excel?

Sampeyan bisa nggawe kode QR berkas minangka Kode QR PDF, Kode QR Tembung, Kode QR Excel utawa Kode QR Video kanggo bisnis sampeyan, sampeyan uga bisa nggawe Jpeg kode QR utawa PNG kode QR utawa berkas gambar liyane.

Can I make a LinkedIn QR code online?

Yes, you can absolutely create your own LinkedIn QR code using our URL or Link Page solutions.

What is an App Store QR code?

An App Stores QR is a dynamic QR solution that can store any mobile app links from Google Play Store, App Store, and AppGallery.

Can I create a QR code for a mobile app?

Yes, you can make a QR for mobile apps using our App Store QR code. This dynamic QR solution can boost app downloads as people only need to scan to download apps.

Can I create a QR code for a Google Form using a QR code creator for free?

Yes, you can create a Google Form QR code by selecting “Google Form” from the top panel of our homepage. Simply place the URL of your form in the field and generate the code.

Kepiye carane nggawe kode QR kanggo menu awak dhewe?

You can create a QR for your restaurant menu in two ways. You can use our file QR to convert a menu in PDF to QR code, or you can have it in JPEG or PNG format.

For an interactive menu, use MENU TIGER to create a menu QR code that integrates mobile ordering and payment.

Apa kode QR bisa duwe pirang-pirang tautan?

Yes, you can store multiple links in a single QR code. A Multi URL kode QR enables you to embed and redirect to multiple links that can change depending on the time of scanning, the language synced in the device used in scanning, the location of the scanner, and the total number of scans.

Apa alat pindai kode QR sing apik?

Kabeh iPhone karo iOS 11 lan ndhuwur bisa ngenali kode QR nggunakake fitur kamera ing mode foto. Iki padha kanggo kabeh piranti Android anyar. Yen ora, sampeyan bisa nggunakake QR TIGER QR TIGER free QR scanner app tanpa iklan.

Apa bedane berkas PNG lan SVG?

File SVG minangka file jinis vektor sing bisa digunakake ing program kayata Illustrator utawa InDesign. Kanggo Photoshop sampeyan kudu ngimpor file SVG. File SVG apik kanggo nyetak kanthi kualitas sing paling dhuwur. PNG minangka format kanggo nggunakake online nanging uga bisa dicithak sanajan PNG nduweni kualitas kurang saka SVG.

Kepiye carane nggawe kode QR nganggo cara massal?

You can use our Bulk QR code generator tool tool to create QR codes in bulk. Simply upload a CSV file containing all the links, then input how many codes you want to generate. This allows you to download unique QRs with tracking features. A bulk QR is useful if you need unique QRs linked to different URLs.

Apa kode QR Vcard?

A vCard QR code is a type of dynamic QR that stores your contact information digitally. It is often called a digital business card. vCard QRs can be used within a physical business card, in an email signature, or as a sticker at the back of one’s phone. You can share a vCard to your email and edit its data using a dynamic QR. All our vCards are dynamic QRs that offer the most benefits.

What is a QR code landing page?

A QR code landing page is a dynamic solution that lets users build their own web pages without buying a domain name or using a web hosting platform. You can customize your page or use our pre-designed templates available

Can I convert a file to QR code?

Using our file QR solution, you can convert any file to QR code in just seconds. Simply click the File icon and upload your file. Our solution supports PDF, JPEG, PNG, MP4, Excel, and Word.

Apa aku bisa nggawe kode QR kanggo MP3?

Ya sampeyan bisa nggawe Kode QR MP3, sampeyan bisa ngunggah kode QR ing Sound Cloud lan nggunakake URL iki kanggo nggawe kode QR.

Apa kode QR Wi-Fi bisa dinamis?

Ora, Kode QR WiFi mung bisa statis amarga pangguna nalika mindhai ora duwe sambungan internet. Kanggo kode QR dinamis pangguna kudu disambungake menyang internet.

Kepiye carane nggawe kode QR kanggo Facebook?

Kanggo nggawe kode QR kanggo ngarahake menyang kaca Facebook, kiriman, lan tombol 'Seneng Page', sampeyan bisa nggunakake solusi Kode QR Facebook kita. Solusi kode QR iki dioptimalake supaya gampang ngarahake pamirsa menyang macem-macem tautan Facebook. Solusi kode QR Facebook ngidini sampeyan ngedongkrak kaca bisnis, acara lan kiriman, lan nambah akun pribadhi.

Apa kode QR ing meja lan kepiye cara kerjane?

Nampilake Kode QR ing meja minangka salah sawijining cara kanggo ngidini pelanggan ngakses menu restoran liwat telpon seluler. Sawise dipindai, kode QR bakal ngarahake pengunjung menyang menu interaktif online sing bisa pesen lan mbayar tanpa repot.

Is there an offline QR code maker?

There is an offline QR generator on the Chrome Web Store. However, users say that their generated QRs did not work. QR TIGER is a QR code maker that offers QR code solutions that can work even without an internet connection.

Apa aplikasi menu digital kanggo restoran?

Nggunakake app menu digital kanggo restoran ngidini restoran ngatur menu kanthi efisien lan nganyari kapan wae. Kajaba iku, pelanggan bisa ndeleng menu ing smartphone, milih panganan, lan pesen liwat aplikasi menu digital. Uga duwe saluran pembayaran seluler sing terintegrasi kaya PayPal, Stripe, Google Pay, lan Apple Pay kanggo cara sing cepet lan gampang kanggo ngrampungake pembayaran pelanggan.

Kepiye carane mindhai kode QR sing dilindhungi sandhi?

Sampeyan bisa mindhai kode QR sing dilindhungi sandi nggunakake aplikasi scanner QR TIGER, scanner internal telpon, utawa platform liyane. Nanging elinga yen sampeyan mung bisa ngakses informasi sing ditempelake yen sampeyan ngerti sandhi sing dienkripsi.

Kepiye carane nggawe kode QR dinamis kanthi gratis?

Pangguna bisa gampang nggawe free kode QR dinamis ing QR TIGER. Sampeyan bisa ngakses versi Freemium QR TIGER kapan wae, ing ngendi sampeyan bisa ngasilake 3 kode QR dinamis gratis kanthi watesan pindai 500.

Apa aku bisa ngganti desain kode QR dinamis sawise ngasilake lan ngundhuh?

Ora, sampeyan ora bisa ngganti desain kode QR dinamis sawise ngasilake lan ngundhuh. Sampeyan mung bisa ngowahi isine.

Ing endi aku bisa nemokake kunci API?

Log in to your QR TIGER account and click "Akunku" at the top right-hand corner of the screen. Select "Setelan" from the drop-down menu.

Sampeyan bakal diarahake menyang kaca setelan akun lan sampeyan bakal nemokake kunci API.

Kepiye cara paket langganan kerja?

Kita duwe nomer tartamtu saka kode QR dinamis lan nomer Unlimited kode QR statis saben rencana. Elinga yen sampeyan ora entuk set Kode QR dinamis sing anyar nalika nganyarake langganan, sampeyan kudu mbayar supaya Kode QR dinamis sing ana tetep valid.

Kepiye carane ngentoke faktur sampeyan?

Click on the upper right corner of this page. On “My Account” go to billing and enter the required information such as your name, address, VAT number, and other relevant details.

Apa ana watesan pindai kanggo kode QR dinamis sing digawe miturut rencana mbayar?

Ora, ora ana watesan pindai kanggo kode QR dinamis sing digawe miturut rencana QR TIGER sing dibayar. Kode QR dinamis duwe pindai tanpa watesan kanthi langganan sing bener. Yen rencana sampeyan kadaluwarsa, bakal mandheg.

Carane gawe anyar rencana?

You can renew your plan within two days of its expiration. Simply log in, go to “Pricing” in the top menu, or enable auto-renew in the “Billing” section of your account settings.